Mia R. Schmiedeskamp-Rahe
Clinical Assistant Professor, Pharmacy Practice, College of Pharmacy - Pharmacy Practice
Clinical pharmacist and Clinical Assistant Professor, College of Medicine - Medicine
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★ NAPLEX review APPE elective, 4/10/2020 – 5/8/2020
★ PDAT10: Advanced Disease Management (PHAR510), 2018 – Present
★ Block 1: Body Systems & Homeostasis (MDC 601/COM 415), 2018 – Present
★ PDAT3: Renal, Electrolytes, Nutrition (PHAR503), 2017 – Present
★ PDAT2: GI/Endocrine (PHAR502), 2017 – Present
★ Principles of Drug Action and Therapeutics VII (PHAR407), 2016 – 2018
★ Recitation leader and case presentation grader for University of Hong Kong Master of Clinical Pharmacy students: cirrhosis, viral hepatitis and IBD, 2015 – 2015
★ Pharmacotherapeutics I University of Malta (PHR 5613), 2014 – Present
★ PGY1 Residency Teaching Program, 2014 – Present
★ IPPE (Experiential learning for P2 and P3 Pharmacy students), 2014 – 2018
Selected Publications
article, Contributors to the C4. (2021). C4 article: Implications of COVID‐19 in transplantation. American Journal of Transplantation, 21, (5), 1801-1815. doi:10.1111/ajt.16346.
Article, Contributors to the C4. (2020). C4 article: Challenges and solutions to appropriate and timely medication access in transplantation in the United States. American Journal of Transplantation, 20, (2), 362-376. doi:10.1111/ajt.15732.
Jones, Carey, Huynh, Tony. (2017). Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. American College of Clinical Pharmacy Ambulatory Care Self-Assessment Program (ACSAP) 2017 Book 3: Nutritional/GI Care.. American College of Clinical Pharmacy.
Burgos, Rodrigo, Schmiedeskamp-Rahe, M. (2016). Selected Infections of the Gastrointestinal Tract and Liver. American College of Clinical Pharmacy Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program (PSAP) 2016 Book 2: GI/Fluids and Nutrition. American College of Clinical Pharmacy..
Schmiedeskamp, Mia, Harpe, Spencer, Polk, Ronald, Oinonen, Michael, Pakyz, Amy. (2009). Use of International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision Clinical Modification Codes and Medication Use Data to Identify Nosocomial Clostridium difficile Infection. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 30, (11), 1070-1076. doi:10.1086/606164.
West, P, Schmiedeskamp, M, Neeley, H, Oberholzer, J, Benedetti, E, Kaplan, B. (2008). Use of high‐dose ganciclovir for a resistant cytomegalovirus infection due to UL97 mutation. Transplant Infectious Disease, 10, (2), 129-132. doi:10.1111/j.1399-3062.2007.00249.x.
Schmiedeskamp, Mia R, Kockler, Denise R. (2006). Human Papillomavirus Vaccines. Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 40, (7-8), 1344-1352. doi:10.1345/aph.1g723.
O’Sullivan, Theresa. (2002). Understanding Pharmacy Calculations. APhA Press.
Schmiedeskamp, Mia, Klevit, Rachel E. (1997). Paramagnetic Cobalt as a Probe of the Orientation of an Accessory DNA-Binding Region of the Yeast ADR1 Zinc-Finger Protein †. Biochemistry, 36, (46), 14003-14011. doi:10.1021/bi971364f.
Professional Leadership
Peer reviewer American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 2018 - Present
American Liver Foundation Great Lakes Division Associate Medical Advisory Committee, American Liver Foundation, 2017 - 7/1/2022
English-language editor for Chinese publications, 2014 - 2015
Notable Honors
2020, PhLAMES Faculty Mentor of the Year,
2018, Nominee, Preceptor of the Year, UIC College of Pharmacy 2018,
2016, UIC Pharmacy Residency Preceptor of the Year 2016, University of Illinois at Chicago
2013, UIC Pharmacy Residency Preceptor of the Year 2013, University of Illinois at Chicago
2013, UIC College of Pharmacy Teacher of the Semester 2013, University of Illinois at Chicago
2012, UIC Pharmacy Excellence Program Award 2012, University of Illinois at Chicago
2012, Nominee, Pharmacist of the Year, Internal Medicine, 2012,
2011, Nominee, Pharmacist of the Year, Internal Medicine, 2011,
2010, Nominee, Pharmacist of the Year, Internal Medicine, 2010,
Doctor of Pharmacy, University of Washington, United States, 2005
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Washington, United States, 1996
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry,, University of Michigan–Ann Arbor, United States, 1988
Postgraduate Training:
PGY2 Pharmacy Residency in Solid Organ Transplant, University of Illinois at Chicago, United States, 2007
PGY1 Residency in Pharmacy Practice, Virginia Commonwealth University, United States, 2006
Postdoctoral fellow, University of Washington, United States, 1997
Undergraduate Research Program (URP), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, United States, 1988
Research internship, Brookhaven National Laboratory, United States, 1987
Licensures and Certifications
Licensed Pharmacist, State of Illinois, Date Not Set - Present
Licensed Pharmacist, State of Virginia, Date Not Set - Present
Licensed Pharmacist, State of Washington, Date Not Set - Present
Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist (BCPS), Board of Pharmacy Specialties, 12/30/2009 - 12/31/2030
Selected Presentations
Schmiedeskamp-Rahe, Mia, Vogler, Carrie. (2021 May 05). Pain management in end-stage liver disease. 2021 Virtual Conference on Pain and Palliative Care. online.