Monazzah Akbar Sarwar
Clinical Assistant Professor, Pharmacy Practice
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About Heading link
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Introduction Pharmacy Practice (PHAR 411), 8/26/2024 – 12/6/2024
Introduction Pharmacy Practice (PHAR 411), 8/26/2024 – 12/6/2024
Spec Project in Pharm Pract (PMPR 390), 8/26/2024 – 12/6/2024
Student Pharmacist Role in Community Pharmacy (PHAR 412), 1/10/2024 – Present
Spec Project in Pharm Pract (PMPR 390), 1/8/2024 – 4/26/2024
Spec Project in Pharm Pract (PMPR 390), 1/8/2024 – 4/26/2024
Spec Project in Pharm Pract (PMPR 390), 1/8/2024 – 4/26/2024
Undergrad Resrch Pharm Pract (PMPR 380), 1/8/2024 – 4/26/2024
Ophthalmic and Otic Drug Dispensing (PHAR 411), 11/13/2023 – Present
Selected Grants
A Phase I/II Randomized Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Single-Center, Tolerability And Preliminary Efficacy Clinical Trial Of Recombinant Human Deoxyribonuclease (Rhdnase) Eye Drops In Patients With Ocular Graft-Vs.-Host Disease, Genentech Foundation for Biomedical Sciences., 6/3/2019 - 7/10/2020, No Obligated Amount Set; No Anticipated Amount Set
Dr. Lim's study - EEI pharmacy to compound as needed based on patient randomization, Dr. Jennifer Lim Brimonidine study., 4/1/2019 - 9/21/2022, No Obligated Amount Set; No Anticipated Amount Set
borad-spectrum immunomodulatory eye drop to treat patients with severe dry eye (Dr. Sandeep Jain's grant), National Institutes of Health., Date Not Set - Present, No Obligated Amount Set; No Anticipated Amount Set
Selected Publications
★ Mun, Christine S, Surenkhuu, Bayasgalan, Chen, Yi-Fan, Atassi, Nour, Mun, Jessica, Kim, Christian, Sheth, Tanya, Sarwar, Monazzah Akbar, Pradeep, Anubhav, Jain, Sandeep. (2024). Recombinant Deoxyribonuclease I Eye Drops for Ocular Graft Versus Host Disease: Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial. Eye & Contact Lens Science & Clinical Practice, 50, (5), 233-240. doi:10.1097/icl.0000000000001078.
Roca, Daniela, Jain, Sandeep, Mun, Christine, Akbar Sarwar, Monazzah, Shorter, Ellen, Ortiz-Morales, Gustavo, Tarib, Imane, De La Cruz, Jose. (2024). Novel Management of Ocular Surface Inflammation in Patients With Ocular Graft-Versus-Host Disease in the Setting of Cataract Surgery. Eye & Contact Lens Science & Clinical Practice, 50, (4), 189-193. doi:10.1097/icl.0000000000001076.
★ Katz, Eitan A, Sunshine, Sarah, Mun, Christine, Sarwar, Monazzah, Surenkhuu, Bayasgalan, Pradeep, Anubhav, Jain, Sandeep. (2022). Combinatorial therapy with immunosuppressive, immunomodulatory and tear substitute eyedrops (“Triple Play”) in Recalcitrant Immunological Ocular Surface Diseases. The Ocular Surface, 23, 1-11. doi:10.1016/j.jtos.2021.11.002.
★ Kwon, Jieun, Surenkhuu, Bayasgalan, Raju, Ilangovan, Atassi, Nour, Mun, Jessica, Chen, Yi-Fan, Sarwar, Monazzah Akbar, Rosenblatt, Mark, Pradeep, Anubhav, An, Seungwon, Dhall, Nikhil, Mun, Christine, Jain, Sandeep. (2020). Pathological consequences of anti-citrullinated protein antibodies in tear fluid and therapeutic potential of pooled human immune globulin-eye drops in dry eye disease. The Ocular Surface, 18, (1), 80-97. doi:10.1016/j.jtos.2019.10.004.
Professional Leadership
West Campus Flu Clinic, Taylor St/EEI Pharmacy, 9/9/2022 - 9/9/2022
Ambulatory Care Network, 4/7/2022 - 5/31/2023
COVID vaccine testing and challenge desensitizations, 2/1/2021 - 4/30/2021
Formulate leucovorin eye drops, 12/28/2020 - 12/28/2020
Transition to EPIC, 9/12/2020 - 4/30/2021
Working through work stoppage in Sept overlapping with Go-live with EPIC, 9/11/2020 - 9/25/2020
Ophthalmology resident and fellow orientation, 7/16/2020 - Present
Assisting University of Maryland set-up GvHD clinic, 7/1/2020 - 12/30/2020
Amb Care Policy and Procedure Comm, 6/1/2020 - Present
Notable Honors
2022, Best Encore poster presentation, Illinois Council of Health-System Pharmacists (ICHP)
Licensures and Certifications
BCSCP, BPS, Date Not Set - Present