A. Simon Pickard
Professor, College of Pharmacy - Pharmacy Systems Outcomes and Policy
Interim Associate Head, PSOP
Assistant Director, Center for Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomic Research
About Heading link
A. Simon Pickard, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Pharmacy Systems, Outcomes and Policy, and Assistant Director of the Center for Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomic Research at the University of Illinois – Chicago College of Pharmacy. He earned his B.Comm., B.Sc. in Pharmacy, and PhD in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Dr. Pickard has authored over 150 publications on evaluating the safety, effectiveness and value of health care interventions; improving drug-related outcomes through education (particularly opioids); and on the measurement and evaluation of quality of care and health outcomes. He has served on several editorial boards, including Medical Decision Making, Drugs in Context, and Quality of Life Research. He is co-developer of the LupusPRO, a lupus specific quality of life measure. He has extensively contributed to the EuroQol Group, developers of the EQ-5D, one of the most widely used measures of health in clinical trials throughout the world, and is part of the international consortia to develop a new measure of health and well-being (EQ-HWB). Dr. Pickard was named University Scholar in 2023, awarded to outstanding faculty by the President of the University of Illinois System.
Research Interests:
Dr. Pickard’s research interests involve evaluating the safety, effectiveness and value of health care interventions; improving drug-related outcomes through education (particularly opioids); and on the measurement and evaluation of quality of care and health outcomes. H
Teaching Statement:
Dr. Pickard is an educator in the UIC professional program (PharmD) and graduate program (PhD/MS). In the PharmD program, he initiated an elective course starting Fall 2022 that provides an overview of health economic and outcomes research (HEOR). He serves as preceptor for P4 PharmD students in advanced clerkships rotations offered each year focusing on research activities related to pharmacy systems, outcomes and policy. In the PhD program for PSOP, he teaches a course on measurement and evaluation of patient-reported outcomes (PSOP 555) and an introduction to comparative effectiveness research (PSOP 516). He serves as main advisor for PhD/MS students, and as a committee member on department qualifiers, preliminary exams and dissertation defenses. He has served as a director for numerous (post-doc) fellowships in partnership with industry since 2007, including TAP, Takeda, NovoNordisk, and Pfizer.
Teaching and Supervision Heading link
Ph.D. Thesis Research (PSOP 599), 8/26/2024 – 12/6/2024
Independent Study (PSOP 596), 8/26/2024 – 12/6/2024
Hlth Econ & Outcomes Research (PSOP 489), 8/26/2024 – 12/6/2024
Ph.D. Thesis Research (PSOP 599), 1/8/2024 – 4/26/2024
Independent Study (PSOP 596), 1/8/2024 – 4/26/2024
Comp Effectiveness Research (PSOP 516), 1/8/2024 – 4/26/2024
Ph.D. Thesis Research (PSOP 599), 8/21/2023 – 12/1/2023
PSOP Project (PSOP 597), 8/21/2023 – 12/1/2023
Independent Study (PSOP 596), 8/21/2023 – 12/1/2023
Selected Grants
ILPMP - UIC Prescription Monitoring Academic Detailing FY24-FY26, Illinois Department of Human Services., 4/3/2024 - 9/30/2025, Obligated Amount: $400000; Anticipated Amount: $400000
FY24 and FY25 Overdose Data to Action-States (OD2A-S) Program Evaluation, Illinois Department of Public Health., 9/1/2023 - 6/30/2025, Obligated Amount: $320834; Anticipated Amount: $320834
UIC-DPH OD2A Eval Work Order Number: 32600027K, Illinois Department of Public Health., 9/1/2022 - 8/31/2023, Obligated Amount: $300000; Anticipated Amount: $300000
Pfizer 2022 to 2025 Fellowship - Pickard, Pfizer Inc., 7/1/2022 - 6/30/2025, Obligated Amount: $482934; Anticipated Amount: $482934
Self-perceived burden, caregiver burden and EQ measures �assessing measurement overlap, EuroQol Group., 5/1/2022 - 5/1/2025, Obligated Amount: $137909; Anticipated Amount: $137909
UIC Prescription Monitoring Academic Detailing - contract 49I1127M40, Illinois Department of Human Services., 12/30/2020 - 8/31/2023, Obligated Amount: $510000; Anticipated Amount: $510000
OD2A Year 2 and 3 Evaluation IGA, Illinois Department of Public Health., 9/1/2020 - 8/31/2022, Obligated Amount: $600000; Anticipated Amount: $600000
PhD dissertation funding request for a novel valuation method, Euroqol Group Business Mgmt., 8/16/2020 - 8/15/2022, Obligated Amount: $50163; Anticipated Amount: $50163
Pilot Project for Academic Detailing, Illinois Department of Public Health., 7/1/2020 - 6/30/2021, Obligated Amount: $110000; Anticipated Amount: $110000
Selected Publications
Su, N, Gaber, CE, Lee, TA, Pickard, AS, Lin, FJ. (2024). PCR303 Longitudinal Adherence to Aromatase Inhibitors Over Five Years in Postmenopausal Early-Stage Breast Cancer. Value in Health, 27, (12), s567. doi:10.1016/j.jval.2024.10.3545.
Nasser, S Chamoun, Pickard, AS, Nazari, J, Kuharic, M. (2024). PCR187 EQ Health and Wellbeing (EQ-HWB): Assessing the Distinctiveness of Frequency and Severity Response Scales in Measuring Pain and Discomfort. Value in Health, 27, (12), s543. doi:10.1016/j.jval.2024.10.3429.
Kennedy, Kevin, Sarohia, Gurkaran, Podbielski, Dominik, Pickard, Simon, Tarride, Jean-Eric, Xie, Feng. (2024). Systematic methodological review of health state values in glaucoma cost-utility analyses. The European Journal of Health Economics, 25, (8), 1417-1435. doi:10.1007/s10198-023-01663-x.
Kuharic, Maja, Mulhern, Brendan, Sharp, Lisa K, Turpin, Robin S, Pickard, A Simon. (2024). Delineating Care Recipient Burden Constructs: Development and Validation of the CARE-2B Scale for Care Recipient Self-Perceived Burden and Proxy Assessment of Caregiver Burden. The Gerontologist, gnae143. doi:10.1093/geront/gnae143.
Kuharić, Maja, Pickard, A Simon, Mukuria, Clara, Finch, Aureliano Paolo. (2024). The Measurement Properties of the EQ-HWB and the EQ-HWB-S in Italian Population: A Comparative Study With EQ-5D-5L. Value in Health, 27, (7), 955-966. doi:10.1016/j.jval.2024.03.002.
Kuharic, Maja, Mulhern, Brendan, Sharp, Lisa K, Turpin, Robin S, Pickard, A Simon. (2024). Comparison of the EQ-HWB and EQ-HWB-S With Other Preference-Based Measures Among United States Informal Caregivers. Value in Health, 27, (7), 967-977. doi:10.1016/j.jval.2024.03.003.
Kuharic, Maja, Mulhern, Brendan, Sharp, Lisa K, Turpin, Robin S, Pickard, A Simon. (2024). Understanding caregiver burden from multiple perspectives: dyadic agreement between caregiver and care recipient. Quality of Life Research, 33, (6), 1719-1734. doi:10.1007/s11136-024-03643-x.
Kuharic, Maja, Sharp, Lisa K, Turpin, Robin S, Mulhern, Brendan, Lee, Todd A, Rose, Chloe Elizabeth Grace, Monteiro, Andrea, Pickard, A Simon. (2024). Care recipient self-perceived burden: Perspectives of individuals with chronic health conditions or personal experiences with caregiving on caregiver burden in the US. SSM – Qualitative Research in Health, 5, 100398. doi:10.1016/j.ssmqr.2024.100398.
S, Chamoun Nasser, Kuharic, M, Pickard, AS. (2024). P23 Validity of the EQ-HWB-S in United States-Based Caregivers. Value in Health, 27, (6), s6. doi:10.1016/j.jval.2024.03.049.
Notable Honors
2023, University Scholar, University Scholar Program
Ph.D., University of Alberta, Canada, 2002
B.Sc, University of Alberta, Canada, 1996
B. Comm, University of Alberta, Canada, 1991