Leading the Nation in Pharmacy Research
Whether it is by natural product or synthetic drug discovery; novel drug delivery methods; fundamental cancer, infectious disease, women’s health, or neurology research; clinical drug trials; applied research in health outcomes, drug safety, or pharmacy services; or the many other research programs at the UIC Retzky College of Pharmacy – we seek to lead the nation in pharmacy research that has a clear and measurable impact on health.
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Joanna Burdette, PhD Heading link
Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Education; Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
900 S. Ashland Ave.,
3202 MBRB,
MC 870,
Phone: 312-996-6153

Lindsey McQuade, PhD Heading link
Director, Research and Graduate Resources
833 S. Wood St.,
161 PHARM,
MC 874,
Phone: 312-413-7648
Email: lmcquade@uic.edu