Coursework description Heading link

The PhD in Pharmacy requires a minimum of 96 credit hours of graduate coursework which includes 25 credit hours of required courses. The remainder of the credits can be obtained via elective courses in the student’s specialty area of focus and as approved by his/her advisor. Elective courses can include many that are taught by other departments within the university.
Required Courses Heading link
Required Courses
PHAR 461 Pharmacy and the US Health Care. 2 hours.
Provides an overview of pharmacy in the context of the US health care system.
PSOP 502 Research Methods in Pharmacy Systems, Outcomes and Policy. 4 hours.
Overview of the research process in the social, behavioral, and economic pharmaceutical sciences from problem identification and conceptualization through data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
PSOP 525 Medication, Identity, and Illness. 3 hours.
Examines the role of pharmaceutical care and medication-taking in the social context of chronic illness.
PSOP 573 Principles of Economic Evaluations of Health Care Interventions. 3 hours.
Principles, models and practical methods for the economic evaluation of health care services with an emphasis on pharmaceutical care.
BSTT 400 Biostatistics I. 4 hours.
Descriptive statistics, basic probability concepts, one- and two-sample statistical inference, analysis of variance, and simple linear regression. Introduction to statistical data analysis software.
BSTT 401 Biostatistics II. 4 hours.
Simple and multiple linear regression, stepwise regression, multifactor analysis of variance and covariance, non-parametric methods, logistic regression, analysis of categorical data; extensive use of computer software.
EPID 400 (or) EPID 403 Principles of Epidemiology. 3 hours.
Introduction to descriptive and analytic epidemiology, and determinants of health and disease in populations. Measures of occurrence, association and statistical testing will be addressed, along with study designs, bias and confounding.
PSOP 595 Department Seminar. 1 hour.
Presentation by students, faculty and visiting experts.
Elective Courses can Include
(Courses availabile in other departments not shown)
PSOP 421 Pharmaceutical Marketing. 3 hours.
Introduction to the field of marketing with specific emphasis on pharmaceuticals and the marketing of pharmacy services.
PSOP 526 Pharmacoepidemiology. 3 hours.
This course is intended to provide an introduction to pharmacoepidemiology and discuss key concepts and principles that are unique to the study of medications in large populations.
PSOP 484 Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis. 3 hours.
The course will discuss the concepts, process, and statistical methods required to preform a systematic review or meta-analysis of a large body of empirical findings.
PSOP 516 Comparative Effectiveness Research. 3 hours.
Overview of concepts and application of comparative effectiveness research. (Coming in 2017)
PSOP 535 Pharmaceutical Policy. 3 hours.
Introduces key features of pharmaceutical policy and provides a framework for analyzing and evaluating current policy issues that affect the development and provision of safe, effective and affordable medications in the U.S.
PSOP 555 Patient Reported Outcomes. 2 hours.
This course examines the conceptualization, measurement and assessment of patient-reported outcomes in clinical decision making and population health. (Coming in 2018/2019)
PSOP 575 Educational Instruction and Practice in Pharmacy Systems Outcomes and Policy, 2 hours.
Designed to develop teaching skills and improve instructional abilities.
PSOP 577 Applied Population Health Survey Research. 3 hours.
Development of computer programming skills and knowledge of statistical techniques for analyzing population health survey data.
PSOP 579 Advanced Methods in Outcomes Research and Grant Writing. 3 hours.
An advanced graduate-level course focused on the grant writing strategies with an emphasis on methodologies relevant to health services, economics and outcomes research.
PSOP 580 Advanced Decision Analysis I. 2 hours.
Exposes students to advanced decision analysis and related sensitivity analysis methodologies.
PSOP 581 Advanced Decision Analysis II. 1 hour.
The purpose will be to gain experience using techniques germane to the advanced decision analysis and related sensitivity analysis methodologies taught in PSOP 580.
PSOP 594 Special Topics in PSOP. 2 hours.
Intensive analysis of contemporary issue(s) associated with delivery and financing of pharmaceutical products and professional services.
PSOP 596 Independent Study. 1-4 hours.
Individual research under the direction of a member of the faculty.
PSOP 599 PhD Thesis Research. 1-16 Hours.
Independent dissertation research on topic approved by student’s graduate committee.