Health Economics and Outcomes Research Fellowship
UIC Postdoctoral fellowship in health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) and/or pharmacoepidemiology
Fellowship actions Heading link
About Heading link

The UIC Center for Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomic Research (CPR) postdoctoral fellowships offer an opportunity for additional training in pharmacoeconomics/health economics, outcomes research, and pharmacoepidemiology/drug safety along with applied experience at a sponsoring organization.
Broad Training Scope Heading link

Although individual fellowships may focus on particular therapeutic or methodologic areas, the UIC fellowship program aims to broadly train individuals who wish to conduct pharmaceutical-based outcomes and/or pharmacoepidemiology research in preparation for a career in the pharmaceutical industry or academia. Knowledge and experience is gained in the use of a variety of research methodologies, with training opportunities available from members of the UIC Center for Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomic Research and UIC Department of Pharmacy Systems, Outcomes and Policy.
Location Heading link

The fellow spends the first year of the program working with faculty of the Center for Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomic Research at UIC. The second year is spent working with staff at the sponsoring corporation. During both years, the fellow can take courses at UIC, including courses in biostatistics, research design, and pharmacoeconomics. Application to the UIC Department of Pharmacy Systems, Outcomes and Policy graduate program is encouraged and coursework may be applied towards a graduate degree. Coursework may be tailored to an individual applicant’s background and experience.
Experience Heading link

During the program, the fellow will be involved in projects to gain experience in various outcomes research methodologies and study designs. Presentation and publication of research results in peer-reviewed venues is expected. The fellow will attend professional and scientific conferences. Fellows will be involved in teaching of professional PharmD students in the classroom setting.
Requirements Heading link
Candidates should have a PharmD and/or graduate-level training in a field relevant to outcomes research. Salary and benefits are competitive.
Apply Heading link
Applications to all fellowships from the same individual applicant are accepted. For general application instructions or questions about UIC’s fellowship program, contact Kathy Cleary and Daniel Touchette. For questions about a specific fellowship, contact the appropriate fellowship director.