Health-System Pharmacy Administration and Leadership
PGY1 pharmacy actions Heading link
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Residency training programs in Pharmacy are held within the College of Pharmacy at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) and the University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System (UI Health). The Department of Pharmacy Practice, home department of all residency trainees, is the most comprehensive unit of its type in the United States and continues a tradition of exemplary service through its mission of providing quality education, research, and patient care. The department educates and trains students, residents, and fellows as well as practicing pharmacists to become nationally recognized for their leadership, knowledge and competence in practice, research, and teaching.
UI Health and the College of Pharmacy are pleased to offer a two-year specialized residency in Health-System Pharmacy Administration and Leadership. The PGY1 year of this two-year residency provides training in overall delivery of healthcare with a major emphasis placed on drug-related issues and practices. The main goals of this year of residency are to develop competent clinical pharmacists capable of practicing in any setting and provide exposure to a diverse scope of pharmaceutical care services. The second year of this residency focuses on Health-System Pharmacy Administration and Leadership. A variety of inpatient and outpatient rotations will allow you to develop your skill set in areas such as departmental strategic planning, budget preparation, expansion of pharmacy services in the ambulatory setting, the 340B drug pricing program, identification/benchmarking of pharmacy metrics, clinical service development, and specialty pharmacy. The goal of this residency is to develop a confident, well-prepared administrator, educator, and researcher who will be well prepared to assume a wide array of leadership roles in pharmacy administration.
Virtual Information Sessions Heading link
None are currently scheduled.
Program Information Heading link
This residency site agrees that no person at this site will solicit, accept, or
use any ranking-related information from any residency applicant.
The ultimate goal of this two-year residency in Health-System Pharmacy Administration and Leadership is to develop the pharmacy leaders of tomorrow. The resident will receive extensive training in all key pharmacy department administrative areas to allow him/her to be qualified for a variety of management/leadership positions upon completion of the residency.
Training (rotations) – 4 weeks in length unless otherwise indicated
PGY1 Year:
Please see requirements for PGY1 year at:
PGY2 Year:
- Hospital pharmacy operations
- Pharmacy IT
- Medication use policy/formulary
- Medication safety/quality
- Clinical services management
- Ambulatory pharmacy administration
- Ambulatory pharmacy operations
- Research (longitudinal)
- Leadership/academia (longitudinal)
- 340B drug pricing program
- Specialty pharmacy
- Ambulatory care finance
- Opioid stewardship/drug diversion
- Telemedicine
- Academia
Please see teaching requirements for PGY1 year at:
For the PGY2 year, the resident will be responsible for co-precepting PGY1 residents on the management rotation and pharmacy students on their administration elective rotation. The resident will also provide at least one didactic lecture in one of the college’s management or leadership courses and present at the monthly PGY1 meeting with the pharmacy director. In addition, the resident will participate in international programs offered by the College of Pharmacy, presenting on pharmacy management topics.
Research/Scholarly Activity
Please see research requirements for PGY1 year at:
For the PGY2 year, the resident will be required to present one continuing education seminar. In addition, the resident will be required to complete a major research project, present the project at appropriate meetings, and develop/submit a manuscript for publication in a suitable journal.
Please see requirements for PGY1 year at:
- The resident will have an academic appointment at the University of Illinois Chicago College of Pharmacy for two years
- A competitive salary and benefits package is offered
- The tuition to participate in the ASHP Foundation’s Pharmacy Leadership Academy program is paid by the residency program.
Training Site & Facility
University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System (UI Health)
The University of Illinois Hospital and Clinics are part of UI Health, which also includes seven health science colleges. Patient care is provided at four sites on the UI Health campus – a 465 bed, tertiary care academic hospital, an outpatient care center (OCC) with 23 primary clinics and numerous specialty clinics, a Specialty Care Building (SCB) and a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC). The hospital is classified as a disproportionate share hospital (DSH) which allows it to participate in the 340B drug pricing program. UI Health serves primarily an urban, indigent patient population.
The Pharmacy Department
A central pharmacy and four satellite pharmacies (operating room, critical care, pediatrics, medicine) are located in the hospital. Within the hospital, a decentralized drug distribution system is employed, with automated dispensing cabinets on the patient care units and procedure areas. Additional technology and automation incorporated into the medication use process includes computerized physician order entry; bedside barcode medication administration; and smart IV, PCA, and syringe pumps. The central pharmacy has a USP 797 and USP 800 compliant cleanroom, with medication carousels, a controlled substance cabinet, and a high-speed unit dose packaging machine supporting drug distribution. The pharmacy department also operates seven outpatient pharmacies, with six of the seven on the UI Health campus. Additionally, six of our outpatient pharmacies participate in the 340B drug pricing program. In conjunction with the Department of Medicine and the hospital, the pharmacy department provides telemedicine services to inmates in the Illinois prison system. The department’s staff numbers approximately 135 pharmacists, 75 technicians, and 55 externs (students).
PGY1 Year:
Please see preceptors for PGY1 year at:
PGY2 Year:
Andrew Donnelly, PharmD, MBA, FASHP
Clinical Professor
Executive Director of Pharmacy Services
Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs
Residency Program Director, PGY1/2 Health-System Pharmacy Administration and Leadership Residency
Kay Yamamoto, PharmD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Administrative Course Coordinator
Assistant Residency Program Director, PGY1/2 Health-System Pharmacy Administration and Leadership Residency
Joseph Simon, PharmD, MS
Clinical Assistant Professor
Assistant Director, Ambulatory Pharmacy IT
Jamie Paek, PharmD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Senior Associate Director, Medication Use Policy & Pharmacy IT
Connie Larson, PharmD, CPPS
Clinical Assistant Professor
Medication Safety & Quality Pharmacist
Adam Bursua, PharmD, CPPS
Clinical Assistant Professor
Associate Director, Medication Safety & Quality
Medication Safety Officer
John Garofalo, PharmD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Director, Clinical Services
Paul Stranges, PharmD, BCACP, AE-C
Clinical Associate Professor
Assistant Director, Opioid Stewardship & Drug Diversion
Melissa Badowski, PharmD, MPH, FIDSA, FCCP, BCIDP, BCPS, AAHIVP
Clinical Professor
Associate Director, Clinical Services (Ambulatory)
Sheila Allen, PharmD, BCPS
Clinical Associate Professor
Senior Director, Experiential Education
Sherri Ojikutu-Frohnapple, PharmD, MS
Clinical Instructor
Coordinator, Hospital Pharmacy IT
Christina Maria Carrizales Cortez, PharmD, BCPS
Clinical Assistant Professor
Assistant Director, 340B Compliance
Karen Thomas, PharmD, PhD, MBA
Clinical Assistant Professor
Associate Director, Specialty and Infusion Pharmacies
Jennifer Halsey, MS, PharmD, MHA, BCPS
Clinical Assistant Professor
Director, Ambulatory Pharmacy Services
Since 1969, the tradition of excellence in pharmacy residency training at UIC has contributed to the national advancement of pharmacy practice. Over 300 pharmacists have successfully trained in our ASHP-accredited first-year post-graduate program. In addition, we have graduated over 100 individuals in our various specialized pharmacy residencies that encompass a wide range of fields that is second to none. Our residency alumnae hold prominent positions within pharmacy academia, industry, and professional organizations nationwide and are leaders in the world of pharmacy practice. We are proud of our tradition, our outcomes and our graduates and with the increasing expectations being placed on the pharmacy profession, we are confident that our residency programs will grow and develop to meet this challenge.
Past Residents in Health-System Pharmacy Administration and Leadership
2021 – 2022 Heather Jarvis, PharmD
Clinical Pharmacist
MacNeal Hospital
2020 – 2021 Kay Yamamoto, PharmD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Administrative Course Coordinator
UIC Retzky College of Pharmacy
2019 – 2020 Paloma Garcia, PharmD
Previous Director of Inpatient Pharmacy
Loyola University Medical Center
(currently relocating to Atlanta)
2018 – 2019 Isha Rana, PharmD
Associate Director Ambulatory Pharmacy
Mount Sinai Health System
2017 – 2018 Mary Best, PharmD, BCPS
Director of Pharmacy
PGY1/2 HSPAL Residency Program Director
University of Colorado Hospital
2016 – 2017 Presley Blount, PharmD
Director of Pharmacy Business
Mount Carmel Health System