HIV Care
PGY1 pharmacy actions Heading link
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Residency training programs in Pharmacy are held within the College of Pharmacy at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) and the University of Illinois Medical Center. The Department of Pharmacy Practice, home department of all residency trainees, is the most comprehensive unit of its type in the United States and continues a tradition of exemplary service through its mission of providing quality education, research, and patient care. The department educates and trains students, residents, and fellows as well as practicing clinical pharmacists to become nationally recognized for their leadership, knowledge and competence in practice, research, and teaching.
Virtual Information Sessions Heading link
None are currently scheduled.
Program Information Heading link
This residency site agrees that no person at this site will solicit, accept, or use any ranking-related information from any residency applicant.
Purpose of Residency
The PGY2 Residency in HIV Care is design to build on Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) education and PGY1 pharmacy residency programs and help develop expertise in the provision of pharmacotherapy to HIV-positive patients by combining clinical service with education and scholarly activity.
Goals of Residency
The PGY2 HIV residency will use a combination of required and elective competencies, goals, and objectives from residency in Advanced Area of Pharmacy Practice, Infectious Diseases, and Ambulatory Care.
- In collaboration with the health care team, develop skills to ensure comprehensive medication management to HIV/ID patients following a consistent patient care process.
- Participate in the research and publication process of at least one HIV/ID related topic.
- Demonstrate leadership skills for successful self-development in the provision of care for HIV/ID patients.
- Develop necessary teaching skills necessary to provide effective medication and practice-related education to HIV/ID patients, caregivers, health care professionals, students, residents, and the public (individuals and groups).
4 weeks university/hospital/on call/clinic orientation followed by 10 months of clinical rotations, and 1month of dedicated research.
- Experiential teaching and precepting of P1-P4 students
- Co-precepting of PGY1 residents
- Present a one hour ACPE-accredited seminar on an HIV-related topic
- Develop and deliver HIV/ID related lectures for the HIV and ID case Based electives and the telemedicine elective
- Instructor for HIV/AIDS topics during the ambulatory care pharmacy P4 student clerkship morning conferences
- Co-coordinate the HIV and ID Case Based electives
- Participate in the PGY2 Teaching certificate program
- In-services as needed
- The resident will be required to participate in at least one self-directed clinical research project.
- Research project must be completed and in manuscript format by the end of the residency.
- The project will be presented in poster format at the ASHP Midyear Meeting and in oral format at the ID Fellows Forum or another equivalent meeting.
The resident will be required to participate in our on-call program.
Longitudinal Projects
The resident will participate in the HIV Transitions of Care Service.
Requirements for Application
Applicants should possess a Pharm.D. degree, should have completed a PGY1 residency, and have an IL license or be eligible for one within 2 months of starting the PGY2. The deadline for receipt of complete application is the first Friday in January.
Interested applicants must email the bellow-required materials to and by the first Friday in January.
- Completed application (download here)
- Letter of intent
- CV
- Pharmacy School Transcripts
- Three letters of recommendation
Appointments will be for 12 months beginning July 1.
Training Site & Facility
- Outpatient ID/HIV clinic @ UI Health
- Outreach HIV/HCV Clinics
- Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) Telemedicine HIV Clinic
- IDOC Telemedicine HCV Clinic
- HIV and/or Infectious Diseases Inpatient Consult Service –UI Health and/or John H. Stroger Hospital
- CORE Center Outpatient HIV Clinic
Renata Smith, PharmD
Rodrigo Burgos, PharmD
Melissa Badowski, PharmD
Sarah Michienzi, PharmD
Eric Wenzler, PharmD
Alan Gross, PharmD
Larry Danziger, PharmD
Juliana Chan, PharmD
Michelle Martin, PharmD
Blake Max, PharmD – CORE Center
Bob Glowacki, PharmD – John H. Stroger Hospital, HIV
Gail Itokazu, PharmD – John H. Stroger, ID
Current Residents
- 2025-2026 Currently Recruiting
Since 1969, over 300 pharmacists successfully trained in our ASHP-accredited first-year post-graduate residency program. In addition, we have graduated over 100 individuals in our various specialized pharmacy residencies that encompass a wide range of fields that is second to none. Our diverse faculty, in combination with the numerous progressive practice sites, provides our residents with an experience like no other. Our residency alumnae hold prominent positions within the pharmacy academia, industry, and professional organizations nationwide and are leaders in the world of pharmacy practice. We are proud of our tradition, our outcomes and our graduates and with the increasing expectations of the public and other health professionals to improve the lives of patients, we are confident that our residency programs will grow and develop to meet this challenge.
The Section of Infectious Diseases Pharmacotherapy in the Department of Pharmacy Practice has a long history of excellence in pharmacy practice, research, and postdoctoral training dating back more than 20 years. Following this tradition the section offers a year-long post graduate year 2 (PGY2) specialized residency in HIV Care. The HIV pharmacy program is one of the largest in the country providing comprehensive pharmaceutical care at the UI Health Community Clinic Network (UCCN), the John H, Stroger, Jr., Hospital of Cook County and the Ruth M. Rothstein CORE Center. UI Health not only provides care to HIV/ID patients at the main Medical Center but also has a network of five outreach clinics serving various underserved populations around the Chicago area as well as our Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) Telemedicine clinics. Upon completion of the program, the graduate will possess the knowledge and skills to function as an independent practitioner and member of a multidisciplinary team and provide patient centered care to patients with HIV and other infectious diseases. Additionally, we will provide opportunities for teaching, research, quality improvement and participation in the Antimicrobial Stewardship Program in order to prepare graduates to become effective educators in the practice area of HIV and infectious diseases in a clinical and academic setting.
Previous HIV PGY2 Residents
- 2005-2006 Sonia Vibhakar
ViiV Healthcare – HIV MSL - 2006-2007 Rodrigo Burgos
UI Health – HIV/PrEP/HCV - 2010-2012 Emily Huesgen
Indiana University Health – HIV - 2011-2012 Kristy Shaeer
University of South Florida- Infectious Diseases - 2012-2013 Thomas Chiampas
Gilead Sciences MSL
HCV/HBV/COVIDD-19 - 2013-2014 Andrew Merker
Sinai Hospital-Internal Medicine/HIV - 2014-2015 Whitney Dickson
Cass Lake Indian Health Services – HCV - 2015-2017 Sarah Michienzi
UI Health- HIV/PrEP/HCV - 2017-2018 Paa Kwesi Yanful
Methodist Dallas Medical Center-HIV - 2018-2019 Marissa Brizzi
Pain Stewardship Clinical Pharmacist at UC Health, Cincinnati, Ohio - 2019-2020 Alex Rock
Managed Care HIV/ID/OUD Clinical Pharmacist at Commonwealth Care Alliance, Worchester, Massachusetts - 2020-2021 Mikayla Johnson
- 2021-2022 Diane Ayuninjam
- 2022-2023 Jenna Januszka